Leila George stars, alongside her mother Greta Scacchi, as a young woman so determined to save her drug-addicted brother that she locks him in a room to get clean.
Konstantin Gudauskas is a Jew born in Kazakhstan, but received political asylum in Ukraine.
After the Russian invasion begins on 24 February 2022, he is able to travel freely to the occupied territories and evacuate civilians from there thanks to his Kazakh passport. During the next months he saves 203 people by taking them out of the occupied territories. Konstantin observes firsthand the horrors of war and the atrocities of the Russian occupation. Throughout this time he is advised and guided by a woman, Haide Rizaeva, a Crimean Tatar, employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate.
A political thriller. The film tells the story of an MEP who is shocked by the mystery-shrouded dismissal of the European Health Commissioner and who subsequently throws himself into a full-blown counter-inquiry from the corridors of Parliament…
Several illegal migrant workers carry the felled logs through a small winding trail. An accident happens when the police try to arrest them.
The night coming, the injured worker, ?oàn, has a strange interaction with the man who wants to find him. They catch a glimpse of each other's traces o...
The Master Cleanse centers on a heartbroken man who attends a spiritual retreat, only to discover that the course releases more than everyday toxins and traumatic experiences.
故事发生在2029年,彼时,X战警早已经解散,作为为数不多的仅存的变种人,金刚狼罗根(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)和卡利班(斯戴芬·莫昌特 Stephen Merchant 饰)照顾着年迈的X教授(帕特里克·斯图尔特 Patrick Stewart 饰),由于衰老,X教授已经丧失了对于自己超能力的控制,如果不依赖药物,他的超能力就会失控,在全球范围内制造无法挽回的灾难。不仅如此,金刚狼的自愈能力亦随着时间的流逝逐渐减弱,体能和力量都早已经大不如从前。
某日,一位陌生女子找到了金刚狼,将一个名为劳拉(达芙妮·基恩 Dafne Keen 饰)的女孩托付给他,嘱咐他将劳拉送往位于加拿大边境的“伊甸园”。让罗根没有想到的是,劳拉竟然是被植入了自己的基因而培养出的人造变种人,而在传说中的伊甸园里,有着一群和劳拉境遇相似的孩子。邪恶的唐纳德(波伊德...